
Friday 2 December 2011

Going Abroad

I have never been outside Europe. Yes, I've still got quite a few more years left in me. But as yet, I've never been outside Europe.
This is not particuarly relevant. Slightly, but not totally. I'm talking about tea. Ah, yes. Beautiful tea. Not about the history of tea, but tea abroad.
Being from (East) Sussex and all, I'm not very picky about my tea. I'm not fussy about what different herbs have been infused with, or what it smells like, or what colour it is. Put the bag in the cup, add water, sugar and milk. Done.
However, go abroad and it's almost as if the concept of a decent cup of tea has never reached them. Go out and drink tea, and you get a pathetic little taster tea bag from PG Tips that'd only taste good if it had about three drops of water in it. So you go to a supermarket for some teabags, and you get more of the same. Pathetic little bags that have about six tea leaves in and you need two or three bags per cup. And even then they taste a bit crap.
So, you've found a problem, find a solution. Bring your teabags with you. So you exceed your Easyjet baggage allowance with an extra suitcase full of teabags (while attempting to not look like a smuggler), and bring it with you to have some excellent tea. Congratulations, you look like an idiot. Besides it still doesn't taste nice. Foriegn milk tastes funny. And sugar. Come to mention it, the cups give the tea a funny taste. And not forgetting the water.
I don't like going abroad because then I have to rely on coffee. My current limit is six cups of coffee a day (2nd July 2011, I traveled in a coach for three hours through the same amount of countries), and that was borderline jittery. But I like to drink tea at midnight, 2am, 3am even. I've had twelve, thirteen cups of tea in a day. And decaff coffee is more expensive and harder to find. Besides, it doesn't taste too great without excessive amounts of whipped cream in it.
I like going abroad, but I like my tea. Saying this, I feel a bit like Arthur Dent in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but there you go. I really like my tea. Ah well, I guess I'm stuck to the UK. I hear Bath's lovely at this time of year.


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