
Saturday 17 September 2011

Writer's Block

For those lesser-informed, I should make it known that I am a writer. And, as every writer will ever come across, I suffer from writer's block (Or writer's lazy, as some I know refer to it as). Writer's block should be a recognised condition and I should be receiving disability benefit for it. I'm joking, of course, but only about the disability benefit. It has to be a recognised condition. You see, if writer's block had a cure, I would literally sell my left arm for it (I am right-handed, after all).
It is the kind of thing that makes you want to smash your head into something very, very solid, like a wall, or your father's beer belly. It creeps up on you slowly, at first you're poodling along, typing away about last night's aWeSoMe SaUcE pArTy!!!1!!1!!1 (I promise never to write like that again), and then it just attacks, and suddenly you're screaming and gnawing away on the table, or your arm, trying to drag another sentence from your mind, although everything you write is shit and you just want to shoot the inventor of the written word and strangle his wife in the process.
"But please," you protest, "I promised myself I would write 2,000 words tonight."
"Alas NO!" screams writer's block, cackling away, "You will roll on the floor crying or go on the internet!"
"But I told myself I'd write 2,000 words before internet," you protest again, weakily
"The internet is WAITING," cackles writer's block again, so you cave and waste your life on the internet, or roll on the floor for an hour. A pain to all this is that your 2,000 words was probably a school essay, so you have to turn in a blank sheet with just your name (sometimes not even that), and explain that you were busy fighting writer's block. This, of course, will not fly with your teacher, who will then fail you in all your exams and then most likely your life. Yes, writer's block is that cruel.
The ultimate trouble to all this is that there is rarely a solution to this. All you can do is hit your head against your keyboard and hope it types better than your hands.
I'm stopping this post shorter than normal because Writer's Block is now standing in the doorway brandishing a sword and I'm not sure I can win. As it is in the world of a writer.


goldfish_lovin said...

This is so damn descriptive of my life, it's not even funny.

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