
Friday 20 July 2012


If you're a person with a basic grasp of maths, you've probably gathered by now that the Olympic Games are this year. And, if you've got an even better grasp of current affairs, you'll know they're happening in London. And if you've been gifted with knowledge of geography and my life, you'll know that I happen to reside in the same country as the Olympics.

I've put up with the hoohah. Read the newspaper every night as yet another scandal of minor proportions breaks out. Laughed at the sheer accuracy of Twenty Twelve. Watched with interest at the multiple documentaries. Clapped with a small amount of interest as the Olympic Torch was run around my school's astro turf. Done my bit, basically.

But today, I'm not going to talk about the Olympics. I'm going to talk about the Paralympics.

It's a little like women's football, isn't it? We say we should care more about it, that you can get all the same enjoyment from a women's football game than a men's, yet as I sit here watching the GB/Sweden game, I can do little but feel a little downtrodden at the fact the stadium is near-empty.

Recently, I watched a documentary called Murderball. It's the story about the US wheelchair rugby team and their intense rivalries between the Canadian team. It was very good and I'd advise that you all try to watch it at some point. So when the Paralympic tickets were released, I looked into getting tickets to watch wheelchair rugby.

I expected them to be around £60/£70 each, and was fairly shocked to find they were only £15. Although they're sold out, I looked up the Men's Final (and award ceremony) tickets prices. Some tickets were £30, but the rest all £15. I looked also for Wheelchair Fencing, which has the similar prices. All the tickets on sale for Wheelchair Fencing, including the finals and awards ceremonies, are £15 a pop.

Lies, I cried to myself. I knew some tickets were cheap, but surely the award ceremonies are not that cheap! Maybe it's a system glitch? Should I check back later?

I wondered if this pattern continued in the Olympics. I checked Fencing. Not a single ticket cost as low as £15. Yes, one or two could be found for £20, but on the whole they'd cost between £30-£60. The only difference I can see is the Paralympics are a few weeks later and the players aren't standing. They've still worked for this for years. They're still elites.

This also occurs in the Opening/Closing Ceremonies. Olympics: Opening - £20.12-£2,012 Closing - £20.12-£1,500. Paralympics: Opening - £20.12-£500 Closing - £20.12-£350.

So in a week's time, when the Olympics open, I won't be cheering on our athletes. They've got enough support already. I'll hold on until the 29th August, when the Paralympics open. Because they'll probably be forgotten about.

Friday 6 July 2012

This is you. This is you on Art.

A small roundup of things that have irritated me over the past fortnight, as I can't be bothered to do a full blog post on them:
- House of Lords reforms
- Benefits reforms
- NHS reforms (I don't care which ones, but they're bound to annoy me)
- The pointing out of the bleedin' bloody obvious (50% of youth crimes happen by just 5% of youth! Oh, really?)
- The difficulty in reading The Colour of Magic
- The fact CERN found the Higgs' boson before I had a chance to visit.
- Coursework
- My school's concern with the colour of the bins versus disrespectful and rude supply teachers.
- My school's concern with litter versus the leaks, cracks and general disrepair of the school itself.

Well, Coursework is something I'm going to talk about, but I needed to put it on that list.
I'm coming to the end of my first year of GCSE now, and now is the time for coursework. Now, I've been doing BTEC in Art all year, so I'm conditioned to coursework. But what's taken me by surprise is the sheer amount of coursework. Once I spent a good three weeks staying after school in catch-up in order to finish one piece of bloody work. I took Art as my relaxing subject, and it's taking the bulk of my time! To add to that, I've lost many weekends catching up with acrylic painting.

This week, I've had to do four catch-ups in a row (Tuesday - Friday). French coursework, followed by IT and double English, all in the name of coursework. To add to that, I've had to go to many coursework-y lessons which generally incurs lots of homework.

It's a sludge that never ends. This English coursework is my seventh (and eighth) piece this year alone. One piece would end, another would begin. Actually, having two teachers means I'm doing two pieces at a time. It's just so much work.

And so this brings me to the title. Take a look at yourself. Hopefully, you'll look clean, awake and happy. Now remove most of your sleep time, cover yourself in paint (and/or Indian Ink) and replace that smile with a worn-down look of frustration. This is you on Art.